Monthly Archives: January 2021

Photo ID/In-Person Voting

Photo ID/In-Person Voting  Author:  Gerald Hulbert: I am a retired Customs Agriculture Officer and veteran of Navy, Air Guard, and Airforce Reserves (1969-1994). I have worked on several campaigns. I have lived here in Sumas since 1993. Sumas, WA: Fraud has been associated with this November election 2020 as official entities engage in the investigations, resolve lawsuits, and seek other legal avenues toward revelation and resolution.  Regardless of the conclusions, however, the voting process ...

Bham City Hall Closes; Public Hatchet attack injures passerby at 210 Bham Metro News calls for Mayor to resign

  City closes City Hall and Library to all business!! "January 25-30,2021:  City Hall and Library Closed for the week Bellingham City Hall and Bellingham Public Library Central Library will remain closed to the Homeless Tents reappear at City Hall public and employees for this week, out of an abundance of caution for the safety of all — campers, volunteers, City employees and members of the public. Those with City business to ...

Some Personal Experiences with Censorship in Whatcom County – And Some Suggestions for 2021

Guest Writer: John Lesow Guest Writer John Lesow, B.Sc, J.D. has lived in the Pacific Northwest since 1978.  Prior to retiring in 2013, he was Western Territory Manager for Cascade Canada Material Handling Products and resided in Point Roberts. He served two terms on the Whatcom County Planning Commission from 2005-2013.  He is a past Board Member of the Whatcom Humane Society and Treasurer of the Washington Press Association. (WPA)  He is ...

SOS Kim Wyman answers questions about election Processes…

  Information about Washington State's Same Day Registration Process Answered   Senator Doug Ericksen(R) of the 42nd Legislative District Secretary of State Kim Wyman Senator Doug Ericksen 42nd Leg District reached out to Secretary of State Kim Wyman with Five Questions posed  concerning some of the differences that have been noted between the Same Day Registration laws and prior to the Same Day Registration laws.   Legislative Building PO Box ...

Breaking!: Bill could make voting process even more secret…

AN ACT Relating to exempting election security information from public records disclosure; amending RCW 42.56.420; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency.  This bill is on the calendar for a vote on the floor of the state house... Here is the link to the Bill's status. After a grueling General Election where many voters questioned the voracity of the voting processes throughout the country now may not be the time to close public ...

Executive Satpal Sidhu’s statement on violence solicits comments from readers.

Executive Satpal Sidhu's published statement on the violence in Washington DC on Jan 6th brought comments from Fourth Corner Readers.  Here is Dave Avis of Whatcom County he summarized what many responses were to the phrase that said Quote: “It is the result of many years of poisonous rhetoric from a small minority of extremists on the far right.” in the first paragraph... The full Statement by the County Executive is here. Photos in ...

Sequim Hearing Examiner on Proposed Medication Assisted Facility (MAT)

S. Runyan, I worked. I retired. I expected to read books, go for walks, and grow old. I am succeeding at the last. But, there is still work to be done. I love my country, warts and all. Runyan, January 2020  Sequim Hearing Examiner, Phil Olbrechts, stated that pertinent evidence for the proposed MAT clinic impacts are mostly taken from presentations by Sequim Police Chief Crain and’s facebook member, Wendy Goldberg, M. S. ...

A Snohomish County GOP Activist Repsonds to Impeachment actions…

Open Letter from the former chair of the Snohomish County Republican Party Billye Brooks-Sebastiani  to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Chuck Schumer in light of the Congress of the United States Impeaching the President of the United States a second time in four Years.   January 10, 2021 Speaker Pelosi          Senator Schumer   Billye Brooks-Sebastiani I find that your divisive words and impeachment actions are not only insensitive, but ...

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