Beyond the Fourth Corner


Lewis County Reader explains how and why new "carbon" policies will cost each consumer and what the state will do with the dollars... By Lewis County Reader Ruth Peterson   Almost everyone by now has probably heard about what a lot of people are calling a gas tax that has now taken effect. I have had issue with the way this has been presented, because it is not a gas tax. It will likely ...

Election 2022: In Whatcom County: the Tax Man wins (by 20 Votes)

42nd District turns away new "Kids" property tax. In a vote counter to the Republican/Democrat  vote in the 42nd the so called Kid's initiative was turned back by a 56% to 44% NO vote.  The NO vote in the 42nd was more than the Democrat Senate race Candidate: Sharon Shewmake by about 6000 votes!  Generally its Democrats associated with the policies of higher taxes and also voting for regressive taxes like the property tax. ...

Election Report 2022: Did Redistricting Play a Part?

2022 Elections were the first elections held under the Redistricting agreements made in 2021. Every ten years after the Census of the populace mandated by the Constitution of the United States all Federal offices' borders are redrawn to have more equal representation of the population in the United States. At this time most state and local officials take the opportunity to redraw lines for more equal representation.. In Washington state all legislative districts were ...

Election Report 2022 A Tale of two elections

  A tale of two elections in 2022: The 42nd District Sen. Simon Sefzik Sen Elect. Sharon Shewmake, D-42 Disappearing leads from Primary to General elections are generally very rare; but the 42nd Legislative District in northern Whatcom County began the habit in 2018.  All three Republicans lost the Primary elections but two of the three Republicans were elected in the General: one by 45 votes and the other by ...

Turned in Ballots lowest in 8 Years

TURN IN YOUR BALLOTS ASAP (make sure your vote gets Counted) Ninth Day of Ballot turn in shows lowest rate since 2014: So far in Northern Whatcom County and the 42nd Legislative District turnout is running well below average as of the Ninth Day of Checking in Ballots.  So far unofficially 31642 ballots have been turned in to the Auditor in preparation for counting on Election Day.  With the Fourth Corner's unofficial count of ...

Summary of Supreme Court Decisions a Story of “Balance of Power”

The Roberts Court, April 23, 2021 Seated from left to right: Justices Samuel A. Alito, Jr. and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor Standing from left to right: Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil M. Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. Photograph by Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court Let Freedom ring as the Supreme Court does its duty: as one of the ...

Two masked individuals break window at Rep. Andrew Barkus'(R) Office

Throw in a Phosphorous Flare (These offices are also home to the state House Republican Campaign Committee)   In the early morning hours of June 13th; two masked individuals were seen on video breaking the window of the office of Rep Andrew Barkis who represents the 2nd Legislative District from Chehalis WA. The attempted arson location was also the location of the Republican House Campaign Committee. A not well known office site. It is ...

Water and the Nooksack Flooding solution

Whatcom farmers share Whatcom mayors’ concern over Ecology’s misleading statements, stalled collaboration... (LYNDEN, Wash.) Whatcom Family Farmers agrees with the mayors of five Whatcom cities, who are expressing their concerns about the Washington Department of Ecology’s troubling efforts to promote a harmful legal action against local water users, rather than support an inclusive, collaborative process to reach comprehensive solutions. In a June 14 letter to Ecology director Laura Watson, the local mayors suggest the ...

Snake River Dam Insanity Will Destroy Washington Prosperity

Inslee: On the one hand destroy our dams... on the other hand manage "our fragile grid" While energy prices are reaching new highs, Governor Inslee is continuing his bipolar and ill-conceived efforts at “transforming” the energy grid in Washington state. On one hand, and removing eight percent of our hydroelectric power. On the other hand, in a campaign email, he predicts a summer of blackouts, death and destruction due to “our fragile energy grid”. ...

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