Environment and Climate Change

Water Problem Litigation vs Community Consensus Part 2: Community Consensus

Litigation vs Consensus In contrast to adjudication The Whatcom Family farmers submit the following: From their website Alternatives to Adjudication Provide a Better Path Forward for Our Community In response to the state Department of Ecology’s ongoing request to the state legislature for funding to begin the process of an adjudication in the Nooksack Basin, Whatcom Family Farmers has sent a letter to the chairs and ranking members of the budget committees ...

Water Litigation vs Community Consensus Part 1: Litigation

  Background: Marlene Dawson is a former Whatcom County Council member who served from 1994-2002.  When Marlene tried to address the lack of ‘tribal Marlene Dawson water rights’, the Lummi tribal officials asserted her a racist for her historical positions on tribal issues.  At the same time, the Bellingham Herald asserted her as divisive. Marlene has never ignored continuous individual native property rights, which would hold a senior water right under State ...

In Olympia The opposition reacts… Gas taxes to double; poor, the low income and farmers will take the hit

New taxes bring no "measurable" effect on environment or build better roads Democrats passed both a cap-and-trade and LCFS bill, the impacts of which will increase the gas tax by 55 cents without any measurable effect on the environment or better roads. Combined with the current rates, total gas tax will eventually grow to $1.23/gallon. Sen. Judy Warnick, the top-ranking Republican on the Senate agriculture committee, said, “I think the high cost is going to ...

Fourth Corner Recommendations 2020

Fourth Corner OPINION: Referendum Measure #90  Rejected        Website Advisory Votes No. 32, 33, 34 and 35 Repealed Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. 8212  Repeal U.S. President / Vice President Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence     Website and Facebook U.S. Representative Congressional District 1 Jeffrey Beeler, Sr.     Website and Facebook  U.S. Representative Congressional District 2 Timothy S. Hazelo     Website and Facebook  Governor Loren Culp      Website and Facebook Lieutenant Governor WRITE-IN:  Joshua Freed      Website and Facebook Secretary of State Kim Wyman     Website and Facebook State Treasurer Duane ...

Ferndale Councilwoman snitches on Intalco workers rally

Backgound: When every attempt is being made to bring the community together on the impending layoffs at ALCOA Intalco Works it comes to light that one of the City Council People in Ferndale used her title and city e-mail address to "report" that a rally on April 23rd in Pioneer Park was not "compliant" with the Governor's dictates. Pictured below the reporting person is in the Contact Email the Contact Name and Phone. Doug ...

Ferndale’s Alcoa Intalco Works to Close in July.

Alcoa Intalco Works announces closure: Here is the press release announcing the closing of Intalco Alcoa in Ferndale  in July 2020 and putting 700 people out of work. They cite uncompetitive world pricing of the product for the closing and mention they will donate the promised $200,000.00 to local charities. Most economist are assuming that the country and the world will fall into recession and that does depress demand and lowers the price of ...

Talks fail in attempt to revive renewable diesel plant at Cherry Point Refinery

  Environmental NGO's resist efforts for an agreement in building large-scale renewable diesel plant Project at Cherry Point. The project was declared dead by the companies as of March 20th Background: In a Jan 21st breaking story on the Fourth Corner here  “Phillips 66 and Renewable Energy Group INC. were discontinuing their effort to construct a large-scale renewable diesel plant in Ferndale, Washington, the companies announced today.” The full press release here. Current Information: ...

State Senator wants re-examination of state energy strategy.

SB 5116  Passed in the 2019 Legislature is a concern to utilities and energy providers so says Sen Doug Ericksen The measure requires early termination of major sources of baseload power and the complete elimination of natural gas by 2045. Senator Doug Ericksen of the 42nd District has called for these concerns to be addressed by the Energy committee in this fall's hearings. More Information: Eliminating baseload generating capacity without planning for its replacement ...

Sept 12th Planning Commission Meeting Continues Cherry Point Zoning discussion… Moratorium 3 years and counting.

What some call "Moratorium" government continues with the County Planning Commission having another hearing on possible changes to the Comprehensive plans on Cherry Point on Thursday September 12th at the Whatcom County Courthouse.   This continues a 3 year process by the County Council that included the hiring of a legal firm to try to overturn the commerce clause in the US Constitution; to the County Council preventing the capability of a business to ...

Carbon Tax coming?; Voter Disconnect; Hirst a failure? Bellingham Mayor Candidates

Carbon Tax Anyway? Carbon Tax Initiative 1631 turned down in 36 of 39 Washington Counties; and garnering only 44% of the vote is back in the spotlight and a version may be passed by the State Legislature... over the people's obvious objections to a carbon tax... after the Democrats took over the State Legislature last November. Sen Steven Hobbs Democrat 44th District Sen Hobbs (Democrat) Lk Stevens has proposed a .15 cent ...

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