Advice, Opinion & Guest Writers


Twenty Nine Candidates vying for Seven County and City offices in Whatcom County Listed below with information supplied by each candidate. You can read about them here and then take the 4th Corner Poll and Vote for One in each office RIGHT HERE. We will publish the results in future issues. Whatcom County Executive (6 Candidates) All of Whatcom County Voting   Misty Flowers Whatcom County MISTY FLOWERS WEBSITE Misty ...

Whatcom County: FEC shows millions given to Candidates and Pacs for Federal campaigns

Money Laundering through Election Contributions?  Editors Note:  An initial study by the Fourth Corner Editor Group appears to show that there is something odd going on with donations  to candidates and organizations that are normally monitored by the  FEC (Federal Election Commission).  This Federal level commission  responsible for tracking Contributions and Expenditures for Federal Candidates (In Washington State:  Congressional and Federal Senator offices and President)   By following the link here to the FEC ...

Proposal to Raise Property Tax Rates in Legislature moves forward

Commentary by Sen. John Braun, R-Centralia Republican Leader Sen John Braun For many Washingtonians, the 2023 property tax statements that came in the mail this month produced the same “sticker shock” they’ve felt when buying things like groceries and fuel. Those who are taken aback by the sharp increases in their property-tax bills need to know majority Democrats at the state Capitol are setting the stage for even higher property taxes. They ...

Election 2022: In Whatcom County: the Tax Man wins (by 20 Votes)

42nd District turns away new "Kids" property tax. In a vote counter to the Republican/Democrat  vote in the 42nd the so called Kid's initiative was turned back by a 56% to 44% NO vote.  The NO vote in the 42nd was more than the Democrat Senate race Candidate: Sharon Shewmake by about 6000 votes!  Generally its Democrats associated with the policies of higher taxes and also voting for regressive taxes like the property tax. ...

Water and the Nooksack Flooding solution

Whatcom farmers share Whatcom mayors’ concern over Ecology’s misleading statements, stalled collaboration... (LYNDEN, Wash.) Whatcom Family Farmers agrees with the mayors of five Whatcom cities, who are expressing their concerns about the Washington Department of Ecology’s troubling efforts to promote a harmful legal action against local water users, rather than support an inclusive, collaborative process to reach comprehensive solutions. In a June 14 letter to Ecology director Laura Watson, the local mayors suggest the ...

Snake River Dam Insanity Will Destroy Washington Prosperity

Inslee: On the one hand destroy our dams... on the other hand manage "our fragile grid" While energy prices are reaching new highs, Governor Inslee is continuing his bipolar and ill-conceived efforts at “transforming” the energy grid in Washington state. On one hand, and removing eight percent of our hydroelectric power. On the other hand, in a campaign email, he predicts a summer of blackouts, death and destruction due to “our fragile energy grid”. ...

County Executive plans to bring Gun Control Resolution before Council in Coming Weeks

Executive Report for Council Meeting of June 7, 2022 Satpal S Sidhu Good Evening Council and Whatcom County Residents, I would like to talk about sensible gun laws. Today Mathew McConaughey addressed this very issue to our Federal lawmakers asking them to honor their moral obligations instead of party affiliations. We all want gun laws that make sense and will make it very difficult for sick people to obtain military style assault weapons. The current ...

New WA Building Codes Will Deepen the Housing Crisis

Got Housing? New Building Codes will deepen the Housing Crisis.   Last week, in “Welcome to the Board”, we discussed boards, their duties and responsibilities (what do boards do). In addition to the common boards that you are familiar with, like school boards, there are many administrative boards that have been given rule or code making responsibilities by the state legislature. The is one of these powerful unelected boards (). The State Building Code ...

Welcome to the Board by Nancy Churchill Dangerous Rhetoric

Welcome to the Board   Last month, in a column titled “!” I encouraged readers to get involved in the culture war and push back against the rule of “experts”.  I wrote “You can give in to ‘the experts’ or you can exercise your civic duty to fight for the liberties defined in our constitution. This is a war of ideas, of words, of conversations, of education, of culture.” () In response to this ...

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