Advice, Opinion & Guest Writers

Water Problem Litigation vs Community Consensus Part 2: Community Consensus

Litigation vs Consensus In contrast to adjudication The Whatcom Family farmers submit the following: From their website Alternatives to Adjudication Provide a Better Path Forward for Our Community In response to the state Department of Ecology’s ongoing request to the state legislature for funding to begin the process of an adjudication in the Nooksack Basin, Whatcom Family Farmers has sent a letter to the chairs and ranking members of the budget committees ...

Water Litigation vs Community Consensus Part 1: Litigation

  Background: Marlene Dawson is a former Whatcom County Council member who served from 1994-2002.  When Marlene tried to address the lack of ‘tribal Marlene Dawson water rights’, the Lummi tribal officials asserted her a racist for her historical positions on tribal issues.  At the same time, the Bellingham Herald asserted her as divisive. Marlene has never ignored continuous individual native property rights, which would hold a senior water right under State ...

Marxist Donkeys Are Indivisibles

Author Sue Runyan I worked. I retired. I expected to read books, go for walks and grow old.  I am succeeding at the last.  But there is still work to be done. I love my Country.     Marxist Donkeys Are Indefensibly Indivisibles. It is easy to see how Marxist Subversion works in the little town of Sequim.  Sequim has a council-manager form of government.  The council sets the policy and the City Manager implements ...

Research The Far Left Organizations Here… Progressives, Socialist and Socialist Democrats

A Marxist Donkey by Any Other Name is Still a Marxist Donkey By S. Runyan 4-2021 Indivisibles, Progressives, Socialists, Socialist Democrats are all Marxist Democrats. To be fair, there are probably some Democrats that may not know that they are Marxists.     Can they be sorted, one from another, from their Marxist counterparts?  Make no mistake, these groups are incestuous kin.  Small numbers, big noises.  In many instances the membership of one is identical to ...

The Donkey Has a New Coat

By Sue Runyan: The Donkey has a New Coat ( a story of liberal organizations) President Obama’s farewell speech includes recognizing every organizer who had moved to an unfamiliar town. Before we get to why that is important, a step back to recent history.  Organizing for America, (OFA) started as a community organizing project by the Democratic National Committee in 2009.  In 2013, it changed to Organizing for Action.  At the beginning of 2017 ...

Park Bowl in Bellingham a story of small business survival during the political lockdown strategy

  Park Bowl began in 1954 Park Bowl is a multi-generational business at 4175 Guide Meridian in Bellingham Washington... Since the Governor's office took total control of all state activities in March of 2020; Bowling Alley's and Gymnasium's have seemed to be targeted by the rules pouring out of the Governor's office right along with many other small businesses in Washington State. Kris Keyes-Halterman Co-Owner Park Bowl Kristin Keyes-Halterman of ABC Bookkeeping ...

Sequim: Mayor targeted by “Indivisible like” behavior…

The Wrap Up Smear at the local level, in Sequim, Wa.   A story of throwing "cold water" on the 1st Amendment Mayor Armacost, while wearing a lapel pin, answered a question about Q-Anon while on Sequim City business. The City Manager told him it was inappropriate and Mayor Armacost apologized for the inappropriateness of answering a question on this topic while on City Business. In a civil world, that would be the end ...

Photo ID/In-Person Voting

Photo ID/In-Person Voting  Author:  Gerald Hulbert: I am a retired Customs Agriculture Officer and veteran of Navy, Air Guard, and Airforce Reserves (1969-1994). I have worked on several campaigns. I have lived here in Sumas since 1993. Sumas, WA: Fraud has been associated with this November election 2020 as official entities engage in the investigations, resolve lawsuits, and seek other legal avenues toward revelation and resolution.  Regardless of the conclusions, however, the voting process ...

Some Personal Experiences with Censorship in Whatcom County – And Some Suggestions for 2021

Guest Writer: John Lesow Guest Writer John Lesow, B.Sc, J.D. has lived in the Pacific Northwest since 1978.  Prior to retiring in 2013, he was Western Territory Manager for Cascade Canada Material Handling Products and resided in Point Roberts. He served two terms on the Whatcom County Planning Commission from 2005-2013.  He is a past Board Member of the Whatcom Humane Society and Treasurer of the Washington Press Association. (WPA)  He is ...

Sequim Hearing Examiner on Proposed Medication Assisted Facility (MAT)

S. Runyan, I worked. I retired. I expected to read books, go for walks, and grow old. I am succeeding at the last. But, there is still work to be done. I love my country, warts and all. Runyan, January 2020  Sequim Hearing Examiner, Phil Olbrechts, stated that pertinent evidence for the proposed MAT clinic impacts are mostly taken from presentations by Sequim Police Chief Crain and’s facebook member, Wendy Goldberg, M. S. ...

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