Dean Berkeley Blaine School Board Position 2
I am asking for your vote. We need to understand why Blaine SD has lost many good teachers over last few years.
We need to ask why there is no major emphases on Trades and Arts. Why parents are moving their children out of our school to home school or sent to another dist.
Why teachers have been forced to close their tutoring classes after school by the superintendent. Why are we in a 14 million dollar deficient.
I have a extensive back ground working with government entities with success.
I spear headed the Cross boarder mutual aid agreement and I was told this would not happen because of 911.
I was able to get Whatcom county get portal way fixed at the Dakota Creek Bridge.
I was able to get Handy Cap parking at Pipeline fields.
These are just a few items done on my own time for the good of the community.
Thank you
Dean Berkeley
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