Remember to Vote before November 6th
(Ballots mailed around October 17th)
It may turn out to be difficult for the voter in this election to make a decision on races because of the real dearth of information on the differences between the candidates.
Instead from early 2017 to now we get demonstrations, intimidations, and bullying like the photo above that appeared on KING 5.
We need an exchange and debates that allow us to make decisions based on how the candidates will respond to questions and to each other and the issues.
Following is two three minute statements the candidates for State Senate Doug Ericksen and Pinky Vargas at a Bellingham Chamber of Commerce meeting made in early September 2018.
Doug Ericksen Comments
Pinky Vargas Comments
The Fourth Corner is one of the sponsors of a Forum where you can learn more Please join us at Meridian High School on October 18th.
There is no low to which the Democrats will not go.